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You are over 50, and you don't have the energy. 


You feel like a lost cause 

I understand your struggle 

Your back pain has become a major problem 

This is for you if your back pain is complicated

  • You're a busy professional woman 50 plus, and you're working non-stop. 

  • Finding it hard to fit more exercise into your already busy day? 

  • You sit for long periods and struggle with tightness and constant lower back pain. 

  • You've been told by surgeons that your back may never improve. 

  • Fed up trying to stay comfortable, and getting motivated with a lack of energy.

  • Stressed and can't sleep at night.

  • Tried group classes and practices to learn how to relieve back pain and relax, but nothing else has entirely worked. 


what if it could be like this instead 

  • Now you are managing your day well and wake up with a grin you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  • You fit in more exercise at your desk more effortlessly into your day with weekends off playing with your niece and days out walking.

  • You sit more comfortably at your desk job, your lower back pain is under control, and feeling less stiff 

  • Feeling more motivated now improved energy levels, you can work longer and hit your deadlines on time. 

  • Feeling less stressed more relaxed and sleeping better You're optimistic about the future. Despite what the surgeon said, you're doing fun fair rides you never thought possible and having the time of your life in Disneyland without worrying. 

This is for you if you are a total beginner to Pilates


  • You're 50 plus, and you want to find a new form of exercise that's safe, you enjoy, and that you can realistically stick to that caters for all shapes and sizes. 

  • Want to start it to be more flexible and sort out your back issues. 

  • You're nervous about walking into the class for the first time as a newbie. 

  • Your self-conscious you won't be able to do the exercises correctly and whether people will be watching you. 

  • You have a weak core and ongoing lower back pain.

  • Feeling lopsided with lousy balance and stability 

  • I had a goal 6 weeks back to paint my new home, which all went out the door when my back went. 


What if it could be like this instead 


  • Feeling at ease with the exercises and surprised how more flexible you are and your back issues are under control.

  • You're not nervous anymore. Can't believe I thought the exercises were scary. I walk out laughing. with a swing in my step 

  • Not feeling as self-conscious now, you are guided very well, you are doing the exercises correctly, and others are concentrating on themselves but we do have giggle.

  • My core is getting stronger, and the lower pain is much less.

  • My improved body feels more aligned, and my balance stability is progressing. 

  • You're so happy you decided to make the decision to change. You've started on painting your've begun painting your new home and are excited about the possibilities ahead.

  • You taking short weekends away in your camper van, enjoying the outdoors and experiencing better sleep after doing your exercises 

This is for you if you're struggling to attend in-person classes


  • You're 50 plus and have done many years of in-person Pilates sessions, but your lifestyle has changed as a busy professional means you may have to work late, so you struggle to get to classes on time.

  • You have ongoing back issues, but you know Pilates has been helping it.

  • You feel tight most days with no energy and suffer daily from aches and pains.

  • You like Zoom sessions and paying upfront because it makes you attend. You like doing the replays if you can't make it. 

  • You want to play with the grandkids again, but your back goes into spasms.

what if it could be like this instead 

  • It's become more accessible and convenient for you to attend on Zoom. Now you're on time.

  • The maintenance online programme helps keep you accountable your more reliable after your commute with work.  

  • You are less tight these days and have more energy, and the aches and pains are kept at bay.

  • You attend more than previous in-person sessions because you don't have to worry about driving to sessions or rushing back. 

  • Doing the replays jigs my memory on how to do the exercises correctly, and I can fit in when I'm ready to catch up. 

  • You can't believe how some of the tiny exercises help your back pain. They look effortless 

  • You're having fun playing with the grandkids again. Just take it a bit easier.



This is for you if you have completed a beginner course


  • You're having ongoing back issues that haven't been resolved, and it's restricts your movements and still gives you pain

  • Your back pain impacts your husband and others around you. 

  • You worry about old age if you don't keep fit and stretch. 

  • You are weak and inflexible and suffer from ongoing aches and pains. 

  • Want to get out and meet others of similar age. 

  • Tried yoga and couldn't make the moves. 



What if it could be like this instead 


  • Your'e experiencing better movement and the back pain has decreased you didn't imagine you would be out gardening so soon.

  • Your husband pushes you out the door when you don’t feel like going as he know it helps so much and you smile when finished.               

  • You're feel stronger, more flexible and the aches and pains are at bay.  

  • You meet other ladies of similar age and share experiences and interests. You meet regularly for coffee meet-ups and days out.

  • Your can make the moves effortlessly now and couldn't do that before

This is for you if you don't know where to start 

  • You're going around in circles. with unexplained back pain 

  • You're in menopause getting brain fog, low libido, low mood heightened anxiety panic attacks, depression, joint pain, low energy difficulty sleeping. Hot flushes, weight gain headaches, bloating, low motivation, night sweats, irritability, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, tension, lack of interest in things, feeling nervous.

  • You wake up tired every morning 

  • you're worried stressed that your symptoms of back pain and menopause could be linked? 

  • Your biggest worry is dealing with the daily pain in the back and brain along with heightened anxiety and panic attacks.

what if it could be like this instead 

  • You feel calmer, less tense, and more relaxed Your back pain has improved. 

  • You're symptoms are deminishing and your'e able to concentrate. 

  • you're getting a good night sleep.

  • The stress has lessened, and felt more positive and hopeful for the future. You haven't looked back and your not overthinking your pain instead you distract yourself with nice thoughts and getting a  feel for doing uplifting things your thinking about spa days. 

  • You realise now you have the power to make this change. Be confident and start enjoying the journey instead of dreading it and trusting the process.

  • You didn't cancel the holiday to Spain you just went for it enjoying the sun on your face and the wind in your hair. It was breathtaking 

This is for you if you want to be part of a semi-private online group 


  • You're a busy professional woman and you're working non-stop. 

  • Your chronic back pain has been going on for 12 weeks or more and is unexplained. 

  • You feel stressed, fatigued, moody irritable and helpless.

  • The back pain keeps you awake at night. You wake up aching and tired.  

  • You worry about taking the painkillers too often and getting addicted to them.

  • Your biggest problem is sitting still during the day, getting pain relief and sleeping at night. 

  • It's impacting work performance, family, and friends, and they all know it.

  • You are cancelling commuting into the office and any meetings because you are worried the pain will suddenly come on, and you be stuck there and embarrassed 

  • You changed your mattress and sports car but it's still not helping. 

  • You need support you want the accountability to stay on track. 

  • The NHS is in a mess, they messed up last time. 

what if it could be like this instead 

  • ​​You're feeling calmer and more relaxed. You feel less stressed fatigued, irritable, and helpless. 

  • Sitting for an hour now without the pain. 

  • You look forward to going to bed as your sleeping better at night now. 

  • You wake up refreshed with and confidence as your less achy or tired now. 

  • Sitting more comfortably in your chair. but I know when to move. 

  • You're putting away the painkillers and only reach in an emergency now. 

  • Now you're not so fearful of commuting to work for meetings. You walked back into the office, making heads turn, not overthinking your back pain and what if. You have the tools now to succeed 

  • You're smiling more and love being part of a small group sharing your experiences, exercising with others in a similar situation. You can't believe you didn't go for it before .You feel heard and understood, and feel safe in this environment. 30 minutes twice weekly allows you to fit in around your busy work schedule and get other things done. Your glad now your went for the support and accountability option 

  • you've taken your own responsibility to make this happen.

work with me 

Which one fits better into your life right now? What can you manage?

  Pilates beginner's

course 6 weeks  


 We understand it’s a little daunting to try Pilates for the first time and put you at ease. Everyone on the course are also trying Pilates for the first time and feel just like you! In the Beginners course it’s ok to be at the back of the room! It’s also ok to just stop and watch an exercise if you are unsure. We guide you slowly through the basic principles of pilates and the basic exercises to ensure you feel good and benefit from a stronger core and freedom of movement. 

We run these group sessions in-person 



12 months 


You have completed a beginners course but  you need to manage the problems you are having right now  which are ongoing aches and pains 

You may have been advised that you need to strengthen your core or perhaps you are feeling like your body may not be moving as freely as it should. You’d like to understand how you can strengthen correctly to feel more ease of movement in your body and to get back pain relief and begin to learn         more exercises with greater understanding

we run these group sessions in-person and online  



Back pain







   12 weeks  





Suitable for busy professionals The complete manage your back pain Blueprint is a

1 to 1 program-online or in-person 

The plan is for you with more complicated back issues to deal with your flaws and conditions long-term only for a simpler life. You want  to know your doing it right, you need accountability, organization, and a simple-to-follow plan detailing all you need to know about your back and overcoming your pain 





1 to1 Back Pain Consultation 

                                                                       you want to start with a Consultation.The back pain is affecting everything you do. You can't concentrate at work; you can't relax or sleep. You have tried the doctor's physios acupuncture, massage gadgets, creams and painkillers, and nothing has worked. 

You want a solution to your back problem 


Overcome your back pain program

6 weeks 

(Join wait list )

This program is online and semi -private of 4 people   for working women over 50 who want to return to their active life. You don't want pain stopping you from doing what you love.

You want to strengthen and stretch in all the right places, and at the end of the six weeks, you can sit in your chair comfortably, become more productive at work, have more energy and confidence and be out and about. You'll be focusing on what's important to you and not worrying about your back.  












Monday in-person pilates maintenance program 1-2 pm ongoing Langley Village Hall Horseshoes Lane Langley Maidstone Kent ME17 3JY

Starts 4th Sept 

****4 spots left****


venue link details below

Langley Village Hall


Mondays online Zoom live pilates maintenance program 7 pm- 8 pm ongoing

Starts 4th Sept 

******6 spots left****** 


Mondays online Zoom live pilates maintenance program 8 pm-9 pm ongoing 

Starts 4th Sept 

***** 5 spots left *****


Tuesdays in-person pilates beginner course mat-work 6.15-7.15 pm St Nicholas' Church hall small hall Popular Grove Allington ME16 0DE 

a six-week course starting 5th Sept 23   

****4 spots left ****


venue link details below  

St Nicholas church hall


Wednesday online Zoom live pilates maintenance program 6.30–7.30 pm Ongoing 

starts 6th Sept 

******6 spots left****** 


Thursdays in-person pilates maintenance program 6.30-7.30 pm Ongoing

St Peter's Church hall Bearsted ME15 8NJ.  

starts 7th Sept 

** 2 spots left **


Venue link details below  

St Peters church hall


Thursdays pilates beginner course in-person 7.30 pm -8.30 pm St Peters Church hall Bearsted ME15 8NJ

a six week course starting 28th Sept 23

**2 spots left**


Venue link details below  

St Peters church hall



Friday's beginner's course in-person 10-11 am St Nicholas' Church hall Popular Grove Allington ME16 0DE 

a six week course starting the 29th Sept 23

****4 spots left****

venue link details below  

St Nicholas church hall


Pilates 1to1s in-person coaching daytimes in my studio in Maidstone, Monday to Friday. Contact us for days and times available


Kinesiology programs 1to1 in-person at our studio in Maidstone Monday -Friday. Contact us for days and times available. 


How do I get started?



Browse a course or program under the Work with Me page. 


Check out our timetable of courses or programs. 


Contact us for more information to secure your place and book online via plans and pricing. 


If you want to try out one of our FREE TRIALS, THIS IS ONLY AVAILABLE on one of our GROUP pilates courses or programs in-person or online contact us here and put 

FREE TRIAL in the subject line and what course or program you want to try out 


Once booked, fill out the health form on the link below.


Let me know when you're done. 


Health forms 


Please note it's best to fill the forms out on a desktop computer. 


But the google docs form does work on the phone if you click on the


BUTTON that says 




Fill out any joint complaints i.e. back pain, injuries, and illnesses, and list all medication currently taken, including operations etc. At the end, sign and date 


Please wear comfortable clothing, joggers, sweat tops a somewhat fitted top so I can see what's going on with your posture.


It would help if you had a mat and a large towel that can be rolled up under the lower back or head and have bare feet or socks. 


If you're doing online sessions, we request you to download the Zoom app if you haven't already done so


Have a space ready and clear from obstructions and your device setup laptop, iPad or phone

 along with good lighting.  


And we will send the link a few hours before to your email address. 


Just click the link to join, and you're in 


Look forward to seeing you on the mat. 

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