Course dates below
Pilates beginners course starting 16/05/24-20/06/24 Thursdays 7.30-8.30-pm St Peter’s church hall Bearsted kent ME15 8NJ
Pilates beginners course starting 14/05/24-18/06/24 Fridays 10-11am small hall at St Nicholas’ Church hall Popular Grove Allington Kent ME16 0DE
Pilates beginners course starting * 17/05/24/21/06/24Tuesdays 6.15-7.15pm at St Nicholas church hall small hall Allington kent
ME16 0DE*

Hurry there are still a few places left...
Spaces are hurry and claim your place now! Click the link below
To secure your place. Please click the following link
link:****** and select the pilates beginner course of your choice
and we will get the booking in! Limited spaces available!
Love Vicky and the team at xx
Experience how good Pilates can feel! link:
***Click the following ***
be sure to get a place secured. Be quick, hugely popular!!!
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#pilatesintructormaidstone, #pilatesstudiomaidstone, #pilateslangley, #pilatesonline, #pilates50plus,
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