We have 2 pilates beginners courses
Coming up for Feb 2024 see dates and venues below
Pilates beginners course
Fridays 10-11am-11am Allington
Pilates beginners course starting small hall at St Nicholas’ Church hall Popular Grove Allington Maidstone Kent ME16 0DE
Starts 16th Feb -22nd March
5 spots left
Pilates beginners course
Tuesdays 6.15pm-7.15pm Allington
Pilates beginners course small hall at St Nicholas’ Church hall Popular Grove Allington Maidstone Kent ME16 0DE
Starts 20th Feb-26th March
4 spots left
• Wanted to try Pilates for a while but worried you won't be able to do it?• Scared about walking into a class because everyone will know what they are doing?• Worried you won't be able to do the exercises?We are here to reassure you that it's ok!√It's ok to be at the back of the room!√ It's ok to just stop and watch an exercise for a little bit!√ Everyone in the class knows how it feels to get the courage to attend the first class
√ Our instructors and participants are welcoming!So... if this sounds familiar,
Be sure to get a place secured. Be quick, hugely popular!!! Please click the following link
link:*** https://www.victoriabristowpilates.com/plans-pricing*** and select the pilates beginner course of your choice
and we will get the booking in! Limited spaces available!
Experience how good Pilates can feel!
#pilatesmaidstone, #pilatesbeginnersmaidstone, #Pilatesbeginnerallington,#pilatesclassesmaidstone, #Pilatesclassesallington, #pilatesbearsted,#beginnerpilatesbearsted,
#pilatesintructormaidstone, #pilatesstudiomaidstone, #pilateslangley, #pilatesonline, #pilates50plus,
#Pilatesforachesandpains,#eveningpilatesconline,#pilatesforbusywomen, #pilatesstudiomaidstone,